Mastering My Top 12 Heavy Indian Club Combination Lifts

Hey everyone, welcome back to another exciting journey into the world of Indian clubbell training!

Today, I’m thrilled to share with you my absolute favorite heavy club combination lifts that have completely revolutionized my workouts.

These exercises aren’t just about lifting weights; they’re about engaging multiple muscle groups, exploring different movement patterns, and challenging yourself in new and exciting ways.

First things first, let’s talk about what combination lifts are all about. Essentially, they’re a fusion of two or more exercises into one fluid movement. This saves time but also maximizes your workout by targeting various muscle groups simultaneously.

I’ll be using a fantastic piece of equipment called the Dangerously Fit Maverick Torque. It’s like the love child of a mace and a club, offering the perfect balance of length and versatility. With the torque, you can perform both single-arm and two-handed movements with ease, making it an essential tool for these exercises.


One of my go-to combination lifts is the half-mill and torch press. This exercise engages your entire body, from your legs to your core to your arms.

The key here is to focus on stability and fluidity as you move through each step. And remember, keep your eyes on the club for optimal proprioceptive feedback!

Next up, we have the switch mill squats. This one is a killer for your legs and your core. By seamlessly transitioning between different movements, you’re constantly challenging your muscles in new ways. Plus, the added element of coordination makes it a fun and dynamic exercise to master.

Moving on to the flag press. This exercise is all about strength and control, as you navigate through lunges and arm casts with precision. It’s a fantastic way to build functional strength while also improving your balance and stability.

Now, let’s talk about the swing to thrusts. This exercise is like a full-body explosion of power. From the swing to the squat to the overhead press, every movement is designed to push your limits and unleash your inner strength.

And who can forget the alternating mill into side swipe? This one is a personal favorite of mine. By seamlessly combining different movements, you’re not only challenging your muscles but also your coordination and agility.

From the dead clean to order squat to the swipe to reverse lunge, each exercise in this lineup offers its own unique set of challenges and benefits.

Whether you’re a seasoned lifter or just starting out, there’s something here for everyone to enjoy.

So there you have it, my top 12 heavy club combination lifts to take your strength training to the next level.

Remember, it’s not just about working out with macebells… it’s about challenging yourself, pushing your limits, and becoming the best version of yourself.

So grab your torque, step up to the challenge, and let’s unleash our strength together!