How To Perform The Steel Clubbell Mill & Reverse Mill

Hi guys, today we’re going to go through some clubbell exercises, specifically two fundamental exercises called the “Mill” and “Reverse Mill”. Clubbells are fantastic tools for building grip strength, shoulder mobility, and durable shoulders, especially important for those engaged in strength training.

The 8 kilo clubbell may not seem heavy due to its design and leverage, but it provides a significant challenge during exercises.

We’ll start with the basic “Mill” exercise, which is excellent for developing grip and shoulder strength. To perform this, swing the clubbell behind your back, over the shoulder, rotate, and swing back.

Next, we’ll move into the “Reverse Mill”, where the clubbell is brought from behind to in front of the body in a sweeping motion. You can change hands mid-swing to work both sides evenly.

If you’re new to club training, get yourself some 2lb wooden Indian clubs sold in the USA or a Maverick Mace and get swinging!

We plan to introduce clubbell exercises to the Dangerously Fit Academy in the coming months.

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See you next time, guys!